The Future of Travel

The Future of Travel

The Future of Travel Post Covid-19 

In March 2020, the world was shaken by an unprecedented event, the COVID-19 Pandemic. Millions of people died, and many lost their jobs. The tourism industry collapsed because of it. However, many consumers are confident that tourism will recover, although that may take time to occur. Previous unprecedented events that occurred before COVID-19, such as World Wars I and II, the Ebola outbreak and, the 9/11 terrorism attacks on the United States, show that the future of travel is secure because of the way tourism bounced back from the devastation caused to the industry by these events. Although it took time, the industry recovered, but with significant changes. For example, after 9/11, all airports required full security checks for passengers. That was a huge change that we continue to benefit from.

The Use of Technological Customer Service 

The positive outcome of these previous events gives the consumer a guarantee that post-COVID-19, the new changes that will take place will certainly exceed their expectations, the service they will receive will be more personalized. Travelers might be required to make reservations online only, instead of going to a travel agency. Cruise passengers might be required to view the entertainment and shows from inside their cabins, instead of attending it in the theater to avoid physical contact with others. It may be necessary for guests and crew to have a daily health/temperature check, an immunity or vaccination passport might be mandatory, or excursion groups will be smaller and have health protocols and restrictions to certain areas, such as in a museum.

Changes in the Travel Industry Will Bring Additional Comfort

These suggested changes to the way the tourism industry operates demonstrate that although it will take time once the industry is back, the changes that come with it will make clients feel more special and honored than before. One can be assured that after the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be several significant changes to travel planning and the buying processes for the consumers. It is also helpful to examine how changes in the aftermath of these events help reboot the industry.

Numerous changes over the decades have portrayed the progress of the tourism industry. For starters, the travel industry has always been affected by unprecedented events. Škare, et al., (2021) recalls, “several virus outbreaks globally affected worldwide tourism trends and the world economy after World War II.” (p.2) There have been many infections and deaths due to significant virus outbreaks in the last 53 years. Secondly, according to the article on Post-War revival and regulation, after World War II, passenger travel surged to new levels. (American Airlines Inc, 1943).

There is Hope for the Future of Tourism

With regards to the current COVID-19 pandemic, Parris (2020) suggests there is hope for the future of tourism, although it will take time, it will likely come back stronger, although not before 2023. Thus, consumers can be confident that the future of tourism is guaranteed. It will certainly come back with significant changes for the consumers, and these changes will make them feel thousands of times more special than before COVID. Patience is the only thing required from the consumers.

Current Technological Improvement in Developing Countries

Due to a lack of technology in some developing countries it is a challenge for people to book tours, hotels, flights and cruises. I remember in 2000, being in Haiti and wanting to visit the Dominican Republic. Only the wealthy had access to the internet. I had to go to a travel agency to book a bus for the trip. Booking the trip took at least five hours of travel each way to the travel agency, plus an additional five hours of queuing before another hour to actually book the trip due to the lack of staff. 

Today the technology has improved in Haiti. Although the earthquake of 2010 delayed their efforts to improve, but today, they have better access to technology. People do not need to go in person to see a travel agent, they can do it at home, they can book it online or on their phone, even people who live in the countryside have access to technology. This shows even poorer countries have access to the internet, this example shows technology is a significant tool to help clients enjoy a better travel experience.

Cruise Lines and Airlines Demonstrate the Future of Tourism

Jason Leppert (2020) pointed out that some cruise lines such as Carnival have started to retire their mega-ships and building smaller ones to attract their clientele because once the industry is back, passengers will not book cruises on big ships to avoid being contaminated from COVID-19 or any form of virus. I predict hotels will have a different style of lobby, post COVID-19. Cruises will probably build more lobbies in a way to comply with the physical distance regulations. The lobbies may have only one entrance and exit. That will certainly bring more confidence to the consumers, although the consumers will have to pay a little more for it. These changes will bring a new wave of tourism that will stick in the consumers’ mind forever. Because consumers like luxury, they like to feel very elite. 

Although various travelers and employees are skeptical about these innovations, most of them are assured that these innovations will create more confidence, however I think these changes will be significant for the employees because they will work with less pressure. For instance, currently hotel check in is limited by a staff member needing to do the check in manually. In the future however, electronic check-ins could both reduce wait times and limit interpersonal exposure. Also cruise staff will make more money, because they will receive more tips because of the personalized service they will provide to the guests. The fact that the staff will use brand new technologies to deliver the service, that will help them to work less and be satisfied. Consequently, this will help the cruise line to get better ratings on the Cruise Critics Survey and on TripAdvisor. So, these changes and new technologies will present in a new wave of tourism post COVID.

The Tourism Industry Will Come Back Stronger Post Covid-19

The last 100 years demonstrated that unprecedented events such as, pandemics, terror attacks or natural disasters could quickly hit the tourism industry. However, the changes are always profitable for the companies. According to Sampson et al., (2020) “when cruise ships make their return, they probably will not be as packed as they were before in pre-corona virus days” Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings chief executive Frank Del Rio said during a recent call with analysts, “What is meant by modified as necessary is not clear across the board, at least from the world’s largest operators.” (Sampson, et al., 2020). Cruise companies are still brainstorming ideas to see how to come up with appealing action plans to impress customers for when the industry is back. They have the physical and intellectual resources – that means they have financial resources available and staff with different expertise, so there is no doubt they will achieve any plan they may have to the benefit of the customer. To make these ideas become a reality, it is a matter of patience. This gives us an idea of how many changes will be displayed after COVID-19. Post COVID-19, employers will also feel motivated because they know that the only way for them to get the consumers’ confidence, is that they will need to have the best and the newest technological resources to ensure the ships do not present any technical issues while cruising. Because the consumers will have to pay more and the only way to guarantee a positive first impression is having technological resources that are effective. 

On the other hand, Singapore Airlines has already started trialing a coronavirus digital travel pass developed by aviation’s industry body; the first airline to pilot the scheme as the pandemic-hit sector seeks to recover. The app, developed by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), will store information on passengers’ health, including whether they have had virus tests or vaccines, to streamline travel as borders reopen. Singapore’s flagship carrier said it would offer travelers heading from the city-state to London between March 15th and 28th the chance to participate in the pilot if they have a phone operating on the iOS system’. (CTV News, 2021) These signals show that there will be even more drastic changes once the industry is recovered. Marriott International Inc., the world’s largest lodging company, offers a financial incentive to hotel workers who receive COVID-19 vaccines. The company will provide the equivalent of four hours pay to employees at hotels it manages in the U.S. and Canada once the workers have completed the vaccination course (Bloomberg News, 2021). Post-COVID, this measure might become mandatory.

There Will be Both Advantages and Disadvantages of the Changes

The changes in the Tourism Industry are significant. However, they have advantages and disadvantages to clients. It has been found that changes make it difficult for clients to adapt. For instance, it may become a challenge for some consumers to adapt to the self, online check-in for hotels, airlines or cruises. Passengers may be required to go to a machine that will provide a video conference to staff who can provide live information to them as they check in. Additionally, it would make sense that the machine will automatically do a temperature check. If the machine determines any issues, health staff will have to show up to proceed immediately with a COVID-19 Test. The result might be given immediately and if the guests have COVID-19 they will be denied boarding the plane, the cruise ship or even entering the hotels.

Older cruise line passengers may miss shore excursions that they book, because post COVID-19  the cruise may display a screen on each stateroom to ensure clients can book their excursion via an APP that will pop up on the screen and the same notification will go to the client’s email. Those who are of an advanced age may not have access to smartphones or be comfortable working with online apps, hence they may miss out.

Changes to Boost the Recovery of the Tourism Industry

To conclude, it seems that changes in travel planning play a vital role in developing the industry to boost its recovery. The main reason is that these present opportunities for consumers and employees to learn new trends, new knowledge, and these changes will always bring satisfaction to the clients and employees, even suppliers. Clients will feel more elite because they will have video conference calls available to them in the rooms so that they can call and talk to staff or managers regarding any inquiries. The excursions may have less guests which will make it easier for the guests and the guide, because the guide will be able to describe and provide better relevant information to the guests subsequently, the clients will be more satisfied and the guides will get more tips. Cruise Staff will be more motivated because they will also receive more tips. Consumers will also have less exposure to contagious diseases because of the high health protocol standards. We are all excited to contemplate the future worldwide tourism. Although some consumers believe these changes will not satisfy their overall desires, I believe, this evidence gives us confidence that post-COVID-19 pandemic, the industry will come back, and clients will be satisfied and excited about the new changes worldwide regarding cruises, airlines, tour operators, and other facets of the tourism and hospitality industry.

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1 Comment

  • I”m really looking forward to whatever comes next for the travel industry. Its an industry that has slowed so much over the Covid years that I really hope it recovers stronger than ever post Covid. Its really exciting to finally be able to start thinking about travel again and finally start to plan trips again.

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